41. Who Said That
42. Shipwrecked
43. The Chicken or the Doctor
44. You Too Can Learn From Hollywood
45. Moooo Cows
46. Children's Prayers
47. Children of Israel
48. Country Solutions
49. A Troubled Hare
50. Memories
51. Cars and Computers
52. Disbarred, Deflocked ...
53. Things You Probably Never Hear In Church
54. Conditional Freedom
55. Quips and Quotes
56. You Know You Are In Texas When...
57. I knew a blonde that was so stupid that...
58. Things People Say in Court
59. Clinton's Clock
60. Bubba
61. A Dark Stormy Night
62. Feeling Old
63. Stock Market
64. Headline Humor
65. Letters to the Pastor
66. Pastor and the Bear
67. FAA
68. Philosophy
69. Train
70. Pope
71. Church Bloopers
72. Top 17 Fatal Things
73. Young Pastor and Woman
74. The Birds and the Cows
75. Barney and Satan
76. What is
the Internet

77. Dogs & Computers - How They Differ
78. Stupid Questions
79. Teaching A Buncha Hooligans