1. Tell me your plans
2. What if God had an answering machine
3. Do You Have the Time
4. Did You Know
5. Computer Terms
6. Camping Terms
7. Microsoft Dinners
8. Farmer and His Mule
9. Dear Dad
10. Perfect Couple
11. The Minister, The Drunkard and The Engineer
12. Quips and Stickers
13. Feline Humor
14. Acident Report
15. Golfer
16. Moses
17. Hot and Cold
18. Another Pope Joke
19. Donation to the Needy
20. Questions to ponder!
21. Legal-eze
22. -No Trespassing
23. Coffee
24. How Long is a Day?
25. EarthQuake and the Boy
29. Well, It Follows
30. Too Much Coffee
31. Your Not A Kid Anymore, When
32. Funny Things a Travel Agent Hears
33. A Vet Tries to Join a Church
34. A Frightened Thief
35. Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road
36. Train Ride
37. A Blonde Joke about MEN !
38. Sunday School
39. Cab Driver
40. Chain Saw