In the Bible studies in this site you will be asked to question if what you know is the truth or not. If you find one area or one thing that is taught is not taught or you discover it was not taught correctly where you attend church then we recommend you do one thing seek God about it. Actually ask Him for His advice but read I John 4:1-3 before you do. (John 14:26)

  1. Faith
    The next 6 pages will take you through the word of God in Faith.

  2. Faith is Acceptance
    Faith really is acceptance of God, that He is what He says He is and that His word is true and real...

  3. Faith Part I
    In this study I pray that God opens your eyes and gives you revelation knowledge of His Word (Amen).

  4. Faith Works
    Find out how faith works.

  5. False Teachings
    In the following Bible study we will look at faith, how so many have turned away, and must have things explained to them.

  6. Faith Cometh
    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

  7. Faith-Word
    The word mixed with faith is what brings us our blessings.

  8. Falling Away
    Deals with the falling away of morality and Christianity before Tribulation.

  9. Fate, Destiny, Predestined
    God did not predestine some to life and some to death.

  10. FalseHoods Revealed
    Did you know it was not 3 wise men that went to our Lord at His birth?

  11. False Teachings and the Day We Live
    To date I have composed over 400 Bible studies ranging from "Is There a God" to "Revelation".

  12. Fasting
    Not to be blatant when they fast.

  13. Faults
    We all have them but if we do not overcome them they could hurt us in ways we do not understand.
  14. Fear
    Fear is something misunderstood, and a lot of Christians allow in their lives.

  15. Fears, Curses and Lies
    We are fed the lies, and fear of the world so we fall under the curse and not the blessing

  16. Fireside Chat
    In the 40's President Roosevelt would have what was called fireside chats with the people to talk to them, inform them, etc.

  17. Five Steps to a Healthy Life
    for those who want a longer life that is full of peace and is of a quality that is rare to find today.

  18. Flesh Vs Spirit
    We are at war. Our flesh (5 senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight) is at war with our spirit.

  19. For God so Loved the World...
    There is a big debate between those of Christ and other religions especially the Jews.
  20. Forgiveness
    Forgiveness is the key to salvation, and all of the blessings of God. Healing, debt relief, and abundance all happen after forgiveness.

  21. Forgiveness is Replaced by Judging
    I deal with people all the time online that have been abused by Christians and by...

  22. Freedom
    Part I of III Parts dealing with just what it says Freedom from bondage.

  23. From Obesity to Good Shape in 90 Days?
    I was a person 6-ft tall, 253 lbs. with diabetes, Parkinson's, pulmonary hypertension, really bad lower back.

  24. Fruit
    I have noticed lately, just by neighbors I have, that some people who profess to be church going Christians do not seem as Christian

  25. Fruit of the Spirit
    For some reason the Fruit of the Spirit is a mystery to many.

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