Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

From Obesity to Good Shape in 90 Days?

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

I was a person 6-ft tall, 253 lbs. with diabetes, PMarkinson's, pulmonary hypertension, really bad lower back, walks bent over very noticeably, about 48 but looks over 60, very grey hair, receding hair line, a lot of the stress and age, hair color and loss is due to stress. Use of cane while walking from time to time, always uses the rail on stairs and a cart in a store.

With in 3 months I appeared to have lost 83 pounds. Actually the weight had been already coming off, but not as noticeable until the last 30 or 40 pounds. Hair seems to be in better color and appearance, posture straighter, less bent-over with no need of support like a cane or rail on stairs. The Doctor ran test to find diabetes either under total control or gone, pulmonary hypertension is history, PMarkinson's is gone, back appears to be as well as others healed. No help or support in walking, appearance is at least 20 years younger (more like a 40-year-old than a 60-year-old is) All of this changed with in a few months.

Other things have changed as well. A 3-3.5 pack smoking habit a day is down to .5 a pack a day and cigarettes are on the way out the door altogether, Mattitude in general very positive and up beat. All of this is due to prayer, and all is due to knowing and having a one on one relationship with God. Anyone can do a 180-degree turn in his or her life and that it is not just the physical. It is also affecting his finances as well.

It is not just the short term; the long term has been affected even more. If you saw me 16 years ago, I was a jerk, but God worked a miracle in me. He changed me as I wanted Him to, and over the next 16 years He changed the inside so He could change the outside. The inside has to be done first, because without the inside the outside does not matter.

If the heart is not right, the body can be perfect and you can be the most beautiful person ever, but the heart will make all the difference.

So for 16 years He worked on my insides (no He is not finished) but He is far enough along to work on the outside now.

My prayer for you is:

3 John 1

2. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth

Remember to show faith when you pray, then praise and give thanks.

God Bless You as you hear His words and follow His leading.


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