Pastor Jerry Wilhite

Who I am now, and who I was 10-20-30 or more years ago are two totally different people.

All of my credentials to prove I am a Pastor and have authority, etc of this world is just that of this world and the past. I mean that all I did to receive credentials of this world are of a past person. I am a knew creature in Christ a work in progress. Where as in the 70's when I was studying to become a Methodist Reverend or the 80's as the head of an evangelism committee for the Lutheran's in Texas of the Missouri SYNOD. Or even as God called me in the early 90's to be a pastor and continue what I started almost 20 years earlier. Or even in the mid to late 90's as a non-denominational church helped me with my license and being ordained since my original records could not be found. All of this is of the physical and of my past. My past is just that my past and if anything I am not the same person I was in any of those past times.

If you need prove in the physical realm of things to know I am a pastor and have the authority to license you understand H.O.M.E. and I, are as far as the law of this country is concerned licensed, ordained and able to license you.

But this world is not what matters and if that is what matters to you the most or even as much as 50% verse the Spiritual authority and power to do so then we may not be the right place for you to be licensed.

I was born in 1952 in Houston, Texas, with one brother older, and one sister older and one younger. I have four children and I am married to Barbara who I have been married to since 1986.

Beyond this the rest does not matter of the past, what matters is the here and now. And I am one who is a child of God, due to what Jesus did for me at the cross, not of anything I could do for myself. He paid the price I never could, and I am of His church. Not the church of this world, but His one and only true church. That is why I named H.O.M.E. "His Outreach Ministry and Evangelism" because it is His not mine.

And I am striving to be of Christ daily, which is not an occasional trip to a physical church or even a daily prayer and time for reading but a 24/7 life style.

Not of you, this world or of me, but totally of Him.

I have a one on one relationship with God, I hear from Him, yes I mean I actually hear not just think I do or get random ideas. But actually have conversations with Him and know it is He not me or another.

If this is to far out for you or you think I have lost it understand others also hear as I do and our numbers are growing daily.

Jesus spoke in Revelation 1-3 about seven churches six of which were not of Him and one was. Isn't it funny that there are seven continents on this world and out of them only six have permanent residents the seventh has them from time to time sort of like the seven churches. Six are not of Him and one is the one continent that is not like the rest is because people do not live there. His church is the same way, people are not living there, as they should, they visit occasionally but that is about it.

We are here to help any that want to learn the truth and have a one on one relationship with God. I mean a true relationship like with all two-way conversation, time together. Etc. We are here to teach all how to hear from God and be guided of God and God alone not man.

And this is who I am and what this site and I is about.

Unfortunately to teach the truth means stepping on some toes, not on purpose or even to seek to do so, but where ever the truth is taught the lie is offended.

I have no reason to get you to change your mind that is for God to do once you have a relationship with Him. I am to point out some of the false teachings and ways people have been misled. Before you get offended please ask yourself one question "What if what I just read is true?" Because if you see something you do not agree with due to teachings else where, before you blow it off make sure what you believe is the truth.

What you have to loose in most cases is eternity.

If you really want to know me or what I or this site is about take time daily and listen to and for the voice of God and though Him you will understand both better.

Zed is in Ethiopia (he is a pastor of our ministry) and here is one of his latest emails.Zed's Email

One last question - has this ministry blessed you? If so, you can help us bless others with a donation of $1, $5 or more. Every little bit helps.

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