I. The Warning

I must warn there can be some things on this page that can get you in to offense if you let them, so I suggest if you are tired, or the least bit angry or mad, leave and come back when you are not. If it is in yellow it could considered offensive by some. Or at the least take a few moments and cool down and let the frustrations of the day leave and if any thing seems like it might be of a nature that can be offensive give me the benifit of doubt for the sake of the nature of the subject of the material we are talking about here. And of course that is our walk with God and how to make it better. Just remember we have an ememy and he will do all he can to make others avoid areas that can improve their walk with God.

What I am about to share with you on this page can change your life forever. It can make it better in every way imaginable and some not. You will in time be able on your own learn how to live by prayer, sowing and reaping, being healed as you need it and not of man but purely of God. Walking and talking 24, 7 with God. If this is what you want then continue, if not go back up to the upper right and press where it says previous page. But let me warn you, if you believe in the rapture and want to leave in it then you need this. The church which is addressed only in Revelation, will remain during tribulation, the Body of Christ which is not mentioned at all in Revelation is because it was what was taken out in the rapture. Now before you get in offense understand we are all of the church, but not all of the Body of Christ. Some call it the fullfilling of the spirit or infilling. But what it is, is the spirit of God in, on and threw us completely. Where as the church it is in us only. Christ is a Greek word that means to anoint, anoint us as Jesus said in Luke 4:18 with the Spirit of God.

You have all heard we are the church, in Matthew 16:15-18 Jesus tells Peter that when we have had reveled to us in our spirit who Jesus is as the Son of God and the Christ then we are a part of the church. Or as the Greek would of been better used here petros and petras, where it says you are Peter and the rock as the church, well Peter is Greek for Petros or a piece of the rock and the rock is Petras the rock or the church. So as we have the revelation we then are a piece of the overall church. Why? because then we have the a conection with the spirit of God in us. Now the Body of Christ is more than just a connection. It is being in a relationship and growing it it having revelations daily. It is coming into truths sometimes as often as hourly. And others as far apart as monthly. But the relationship is the key the relationship with the Father and it's daily growth. Remember Jesus did not just come to die, He came to reunite us with the Father. And those who believe we can work this out, or we have any thing in our power at all to do it our self then why would Jesus have to die at all. If that is the case He could of remained in heavan and never came here, and allowed us to work things out.

II. The Problem

Now if you were able to digest the last couple of paragraphs without getting into strife or offenese or I did not loose you all together the next couple will be very uplifting, edifing and start you on a road to a place you may not even thought you could of gone to, and that is to God personally.

Now the first problem I have found is that we have stopped short of God, we get in the word and think we have made it, we are there, we are in His word. Well, let's read one verse that may change that out look.

John 1 14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. So we are in the word and have come to know the word, but do we know the word, and I mean the not just the aurthor of the word, but the word Himself.


The above chart will show what God has shared with me. The very bottom is 100% of where we need to be with God, and other than Jesus and Adam before sin no one has done it. Above that line is where a lot of people feel they are to be the word of God, see the difference between the two. And the above that is the leaders, the pastors and teachers. Most have no idea they are holding us back and do not mean to, most think they are trying to help us go further. But just do not know how. And then the top line where most Christians are, and of course you can see where they are and God is and the difference there in.

Now that we have this understood we can start the growth, but first we have to get the world out to get the word Himself in.

III. The Solution

So how do we do this?

Do not laugh, or look down your nose at me, but what I am about to share with you, both parts I have tried on more than myself and they have worked it is not something that was a plan for me and me only but is something that will work for anyone.

But first you have to do 3 things turn your t.v.'s, radio's and any other devices that make any sound off or that can distract you in any way. This includes cell phones, beepers, computers, and the like. Now turn the ringer off all your phones and make sure your answering machine is working. Go and get something to eat and drink, after you feel that you have enough in you and you need to go to the restroom get that done. Now that we are all finsihed with the flesh we can get to the spirit. Also do not do this at first late at night, best time is in the am, or afternoon. Now, oh I am sorry you need to go to the store for one more thing unless you have a puzzle at home. Yes, that is right you need a puzzle. It is best to get a 1,000 pz, not smaller or larger and one of some scene like a sunset not with a lot of one or two colors or you will go nuts with the two colors.

Ok, why a puzzle and why a scene like a sunset?

The reason all the noise was turned off was to make it easier to hear God of course and the puzzle is to make it easier to get through to you. Believe it or not, I have found if you will take your time and not rush or force building a puzzle just sit back and try to enjoy it, by the time you have put 4 or 5 pieces together you only have one thing on your mind and that is the puzzle at that time it is much easier for God to get through to you. Because He only has one thing to get through instead of a dozen or two as most of us have and never realize we have at any given time. So now do you understand the puzzle. The scene is because the less of the world, and the more of what God did, and the more you will be reciptive to Him.

Trust me I am not nuts this does work much faster than anything else. And it does three things at the same time. One it helps get you used to talking and hearing from God and by the time you have finsihed the puzzle you won't need another. Second you will relax and feel a peace which we all can use and of course you will have put together a puzzle.

Yes, you can go ahead and try it your way, but I bet in time you will buy the puzzle after all. I did, and others I am dealing with have done the same thing. Save your self some headaches and start off smart.

Now you are hearing from God better and growing closer to Him and past the pastors and teachers and the Bible on the chart above. So it is time for the next step, this also helps you hear and talk to God, it also helps you praise God and relax and get in His peace.

You may even have done this one, but stopped short of getting all of the effects of it, and that is praising God by listing what He has done for you. You start by lip service, you list all He has done daily. I know you can not possibly list it all in one day, but you try each day to list as much as you can. And as you do this day after day, after day, the lip service goes from lip service to substance to actualy praise and you go from speaking to actual praise and from sitting to actually feeling like you are floating and the peace that will come, well that can not be described by any words of man. But the key is not to stop, no matter how long it takes. It is like reading, at first the words looked like a foreign language to you b ut in time and after practice and reading, and re-reading it became more and more easy to read until one day it was no task at all to read. And if you do this you will benifit, your family will as well from your peace and so will others around you.

IV. Review

Now let's review you if you made it this far you could of gotten into offense but did not, you have learned how to slow down and hear from God and how to truly praise Him and in turn how to have His peace and relax totally and be healed and blessed in all areas. Oh yea, I did not cover all that, yes I did, because when you are talking with Him and praising Him, you will go from believing you are healed to knowing you are healed and from believing you are blessed to knowing you are blessed.

V. New Program

We are starting for new sowers a new partners program it is 2001 New Millennium Partners, of course we are in 2001 so that is why it is 2001. Since not everyone can afford 100 we decided to do one with only $10 so almost anyone can particpate. It is like the 100 program except instead if sowing $100 you sow $10. If interested email me at Churches@godsgifttoyou.com

If you wish to sow into godsgifttoyou.com or H.O.M.E. or just support what we are doing, or just been blessed by Churches, click on the button below and follow the easy steps to donate to godsgifttoyou.com.


If you read Malachi 3:10-12 and then Mark 4:12-18 you will see where the tithe can and will increase your knowledge of the word and of God. The tithe is more than just giving 10% to a church, it is a way for God to have authority in your life over all that matters, your income, your growth, even relationships.

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