Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

God Part I

Pastor J. R. Wilhite

What can you do better than God?

If you answered nothing, you are honest.

What God does everyday, directly and in directly.

  1. The sun rises out of the east, and each sun rise is different and beautiful.
  2. The sun sets in the west and each is different and beautiful.
  3. Bluebonnets, Azaleas, sunflowers, all sorts of life and color blooms.
  4. The clouds bring us amazing shapes and rain for our harvest.
  5. The moon and stars at night light up our nights and give us some of the most beautiful arrangements to view.
  6. Grass and trees grow, the grass for us to lie in and look up and see the sun, clouds, sunrises, sunsets, moon, and stars. The trees to shade us in the day.
  7. Mountains top with snow.
  8. Hills covered in color.
  9. Lakes full of fish and clear.
  10. Rivers to navigate and to fish.
  11. Oceans full of life to give us food and even medicine.
  12. A child born.
  13. A child playing.
  14. Love of a child
  15. The sumer is to hot, then the heat goes out over the oceans and brings back rain.
  16. The winter is to cold then the sumer storms are weakened so they just water us and not drown us.

You can think of a lot more, I am sure.

Now why is there bad?

  1. Tornadoes
  2. Hurricanes
  3. Earthquakes
  4. Tidal Waves
  5. Famine
  6. War

Items #1 - 4 are a result of sin, our sin and the earth reacting to our sin, read Genesis and Revelation both talk about the sin of and in the earth and the way the earth re-acts.

Items #5 -6 and more are again a result of our sin, we ask God for help and not guidance, we seek Him when we are in trouble or need, but ignore Him when things are good.

When we start noticing God in everything and giving Him thanks for all the good and the bad, until then sin will grow and grow and grow.

Sin is anything that cuts you off from God, not God from you, but you from God. So a great day, a financial blessing, a healing, a birth all can be sin if we get so involved in them and forget God, and His hand in that blessing.

We need to learn to thank God, talk to God and LISTEN to God all the time.

All God wants is to love and bless us, He wants a relationship. And no relationship can survive based on only the bad times, or once a week or occasionally, it survives and grows on a daily basis.

God did not create sin and He does not allow sin, all sin is a re-action to our ignoring God and allowing anything to come between us and Him. It is like a warning sin in the road. If you are doing 55 mph and there is a curve on a mountain that has been tested to only handle 30 mph and the state puts up a sign that says curve ahead slow to 30 mph and you ignore it, you could be hurt or worse killed. And that is what sin is, it is a warning we have stepped over the line into an area that could hurt or kill us.

My prayer for you is that your relationship with God grows. Amen

God Part II - Who Is Your God?


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