Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

Who's Day is It?

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

This Bible Study deals with Holidays.

First of all holidays are a man made happening. Most people think that since there were days to observe in the Old Testament that we need to have days to observe now.

No where in the New Testament does it say observe a day(s), but to treat each day as the only day, not past, not future (Matthew 6:34).

Out of all the days we allow to be observed the 2 worst are Halloween and Christmas.

Before you get offended or in strife over Christmas, I ask you to keep an open mind and search the spirit for the truth in what I will show in this study.

As far as observing Halloween, a day for witches, warlocks, and the occult, how can you not see the problem here? Where does it glorify God or uplift the body. There are groups out there that are observing this day for Satan and we play with it, using the excuse it is for fun and for the kids. As far as dressing up and pretending to be someone else, how does this teach our children to be honest. And as far as the candy, you would be better off buying it and giving it to them your self instead of letting them go out and possibly get hit by a car, abducted by a whacko or get poisoned candy. Anything that promotes the world system is not of God. Halloween is worldly in the fact that the ones who reap the harvest from it are corporations (in sales of candy and costumes), or Satan in the time it gives him as far as being promoted through costumes of him or devils, demons, witches, warlocks, etc.… There are no good witches, witches are of magic and magic is of the world system (Satan). Each Halloween more and more women are having babies through mid wives so there will be no record of the birth (other than the remains after some perverted sacrifice). Each Halloween more and more black cats disappear for sacrifice, and more and more pranks that cause more injuries or damage to private property are being played. I do not even support those out there putting on alternatives any more, because that is almost as bad. To say we need a day to offer something else is stating that Halloween has a power that needs to be offset. Well, it already has been, by the Lord. Hand out tracts about Jesus; use it to witness about Jesus. Plus, Halloween (as it is celebrated by the American masses) is not something that has been around since the beginning of time, but only of this century.

Christmas is the same as Halloween, it has not been around since the beginning of time, even though it is older, it is still of the world. Originally it was to offset a High Holy Day of Satan. That was not a reason to celebrate Christ only once a year. Every day should be Christmas or a celebration of our Lord. The reasons I have found not to support Christmas are:

Let's review Christmas. We eat and drink too much. We get deeper in debt. We are frustrated, or lonely or depressed. We fight for a gift. We get into idol worship with the tree, lights and ornaments. We take our children to see some strange man in a RED suit who is suppose to know all. And we call this a celebration of the birth of our Lord.

I am not one of those who suggests we give up Christmas for birthdays, because that places the attention totally on self, where WE are the center of attention. What I do suggest is try keeping the Spirit alive 365 days a year, and if for one day you want to celebrate the birth of Jesus, then do so with HIM as the center of attention, and in the love He has shown us.

If you really want to have Christmas? On Christmas Day get up share with the family exchange presents, then get dressed and go to a Nursing Home or an Orpanage and share the love of God and presents with those there. This is even more filling than going to church on Christmas, because you are doing as Jesus did, sharing of your self with others.

My prayer for you all is that you will see how the ways of the world are trying to overtake our ways and separate us from God.


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