Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

Warning: A Virus Worse Than Any PC Virus

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

The following virus is attacking the truth in all formats, but none more than the media is.

The following is a scale of truth VS lie or agenda based half-truths I have found.

0 the worst & 10 the best at telling the truth

This is based on information I got from my son and the brother of one of our staff who both served in the Army in South Korea for one year on the DMZ and then went and spent a year in Iraq. Also based on the past two years of what I have followed on the above media and others (the rest rate even lower) I have to say that objective reporting and honor are non-existent. I am not sure if it is because the "powers that be" of the media have an agenda and the truth just does not fit into it or if it is they are entertainers than reporters today. The problem is the truth is overlooked more than not. There was a day you could read a newspaper, listen to the radio, and even watch television and pretty well know the truth was being reported, but today the truth is either ignored or for sale to the highest bidder. It’s not always for money as much as for ideas.

It is not one political party or the other either, but seems to be every where today. What is sad is if you listen to one side or the other you can (and more than likely will) be swayed by one or the other. Actually they both tell the truth; they both share the best of their side and the worst of the other. Then they both embellish the truth of the other and twist it to their benefit. It is human nature that a person would be more biased to their point of view than one that is not theirs. What is sad is we believe the media is not biased in anyway and what they say is Gospel.

You have people who are celebrities for one reason or another whether from acting, sports, politics, or media in general who have no idea what it is like for the average family today. Maybe they feel guilty, but instead of actually getting involved and giving of all they are they will talk out against what they believe is wrong no matter if it is or not.

What gets to me is those who condemn this country, do not even live in it, but profit highly from it. How many would not be where they are today if it were not for the average American public. I wonder what Hollywood, media, sports, etc. would do if we all just said, "Enough is enough! We are no longer willing to spend our hard-earned money to support you in your life style."

Why should someone who makes 5, 10, 20 million or more a movie or season be listened to and why are we allowing this to happen? The only thing that a celebrity is an expert on is what ever it was that made them a celebrity, not public policy, foreign affairs, morality, taxes, finances or any of the many platforms on which our elected officials stand.

It is up to us to take control of it all by the vote and by our purchasing power. I promise the first baseball, football, basketball season that came along and the fans went on strike:

The same goes for movies and television. The first time the public decides to stop going to games, movies or watching television the "powers that be" of each would panic because they believe the public can not live without them. They believe we are all a bunch of mindless puppets waiting to be told what to think what to like, or what to buy. They will counter that I am giving them too much credit and they do not want to control us. What else could they say? They could not agree because it would affect their bottom line.

The worst virus of all is not the one that could effect your PC's hard drive or your body but the one that effects your mind, your soul.

What have they offered that will benefit us? Movies like Matrix? After the second one I could not find a soul who liked II or III because II and III were extensions of the first one. They took what people liked in the first and expanded on it to the point of boredom.

The sad thing is the better movies out there are not new, but re-makes of what has already been done or told. Still the prices go up for a ticket, for a big name in a movie, for the refreshments, etc.

If America took the next weekend off from all television, movies, and games and spent it outside in a pMark, at the beach, or just in their back yard the following Monday the "powers that be" would be in utter panic. It will not happen because the justifications for not doing it are the same ones used for not voting.

Until the public shows the media, the "powers that be" of each area, and politicians that they are awake from their long slumber things will not get better but worse.

We have no one to blame except ourselves.

Now if you do take back your life then you can complain but you will find you are too busy enjoying life to complain. Yes you can enjoy life without spending very much money at all. That is what scares the "powers that be" half to death. You might discover the truth and stop paying them to tell you how you should think, vote, or live. You can start by trying some of these things:

Media (talk shows) and Politics

Radio and television talk shows are as bad as the news media and some are worse. I have heard some bashing one host or another and after an hour I come to the conclusion they are even worse than those are that they bash. I am sick and tired of the media and politicians getting away with it.

I hope and pray every single voter starts now researching the truth and votes based on truth and moral issues. If you go on what just one web site says, or one agency of the media and do not get to the bottom and find the truth, that which happened in Germany in the 1920's could happen here and in some ways already is starting.

In the 1920's Germany was recovering from WWI and had its own depression starting. They listened to a man who promised them prosperity and he (to some degree) delivered on it as well for a short time. In exchange they lost their privacy & their honor; they lost it all. It starts with a man or group of men, an idea, and the next thing you know what you thought never could happen, happens. If your grand parents were alive today they would feel that way with what they would see in the USA today. Think about it you know that I am right.

Voting is our responsibility, but if you are 100% happy with everything in this country, in the world, and in your life, then stay home and do not vote. Otherwise go out and cast your ballot. No, I am not going to tell you for whom or what party to vote, but I will say for those who go in and just vote a party ticket I wonder if you really are being responsible in doing that or just flat lazy and stupid. I say stupid because you have no idea what you are doing if you do that. I can not believe anyone agrees 100% with anyone else let alone everyone in a particular party. When you vote party tickets like that you are being lazy, too.

Research; get on line; find out both sides of each issue and each candidate. Find out how they voted in the past. If they are new, then find out what they stand for and what they have done up till now. If they say they are for the family, but everything about their voting history or lifestyle says the opposite, then read between the lines. Realize that they are not being honest and hold them accountable for it.

I promise you if all voters got out and voted how they truly believe, and the polls are correct and 84% are Christian, then every politician that is not a true Christian will be shaking in their boots. Do not vote for them just because they say they are Christian. Find out if they are and vote based on moral issues not the pocketbook or a bunch of promises you know they will not keep. If we elect people based on pocketbook only we will be in trouble. If we elect them based on morals the pocketbook will be taken care of.


One man promises to make things better, lower taxes, increase jobs, etc.

Another promises to do his best to make the country a better place to live.

You vote for the first and he bails on you. Then you discover he just promises the world and never delivers or to each group he has addressed he just says what they want to hear. Even worse he is one of those who just got caught involved in pornography.

With a little time and research you could have known and avoided a problem.

The other man did not make any promises he could not keep, so that is why he did not sound as good, but then you discover he would have delivered.

Before you think, "Oh my guy will get elected I am not needed." remember this:

There is a day for accountability with God and that includes your responsibilities you have here and now. We are judged by the words of our mouth and they are always based on the thoughts of our mind. A lack of words can get us kicked out of the next life as well. Jesus said that those who do not profess Him before man He would not profess to the Father, and of course those who deny Him before man He will deny before the Father. Salvation is based on professing and belief read Romans 10:9-10.

If you are one who thinks one vote will not count or that you are not sure and afraid you will mess things up I say you are copping out and a coward or just lazy.

This is not something that will just affect the pocketbook either.

Look at this country today:
1. Bible removed from all public places.

2. Prayer removed from school and almost all public places

3. Ten Comandments are being removed from all public places

4. Christmas Nativity scenes are restricted and can not be on public grounds.

If 84% of the USA is Christian the only way the above has happened is that most of that 84% lied and are not Christians. It is either that or they think they are Christian but are not. I say that because no Christian would sit back and allow this to happen when they could make a difference by voting.

If you say you are a Christian or believe in God and do not vote you are one of the following:

  1. Under Age
  2. Liar
  3. Lazy (which is as bad as it comes and actually a statement of a lack of faith)

Actually no Christian has a justified reason not to vote. Each Christian based on the word has a responsibility and when they do not fulfill it they are just as guilty as those who yelled, "Crucify Him!" when they crucified the Lord.

I could post scripture here but either you believe or you do not, and you do not need me to post what you already know. For those who do not believe - it would not matter anyway.

Why am I of all people writing this since I am one who is big on the love and forgiveness of God? Because I am tired of seeing good people get sold a bill of goods and a good country go down the drain because most of the people are asleep. God warned us that in the last days many of the world including Christians would be asleep. One reference is in I Thessalonians 5.

I am for or against President Bush, so do not read more into what I am saying than I am.

Regarding Iraq, for a long time I was upset that we invaded because I thought we had no right to that. Then it hit me - yes we did! Iraq invaded Kuwait 12 years ago and Kuwait asked for our help. The peace accord with Iraq had certain conditions in it that everyone knows Iraq failed to keep and in doing so was asking for the USA to invade it. All Iraq had to do was follow the conditions it agreed to 12 years ago and it would never have happened. If it had, then I would be first yelling about it. So, 9-11 and WMD aside, the USA had all the reasons to invade.

As far as 9-11 goes, Bush or Clinton can not be held responsible. We were responsible because we elected whom we did. We sacrificed intelligence gathering funding for funding research on trivial things like whether or not ducks pass gas. Back in the mid to late 90's. I was watching CSPAN and part of a research package (the entire package was just as trivial as this was) and $250,000 was allocated for this one purpose – Duck effluvium.

The problem is the citizens of this great country want to put people in office and then not think about it again. That is not the way it should be, but today with the society we live in it is no surprise. How many really care? Oh yes, if something catastrophic happens people come out and throw a few bucks towards it and some even try to help. Otherwise how many even know their neighbor’s name?

The problems in the USA are the fault of the voters not the politicians. It will not change or get better; actually it will get worse until every voter decides to do something about it. That is called responsibility. Research who and what to vote for and then do it. If you are a parent what example are you setting and what legacy are you leaving for your children and theirs?

We will try to have on site at least a listing of what each of the two presidential candidates stand for and have voted on or done in the past 10 years. We will not ever tell anyone who or what to vote for beyond than that it should be morally based and not pocketbook based.

It is up to you the voter, but be aware that the MTV "powers that be" are trying to get 30 million young voters out to vote. Think about that. People who watch and follow TV voting based on what they are told by on channels like Music TV. Just watch that channel for a few minutes and you will see why I am alarmed. You could make the difference.

Until what the media reports is truly fair, balanced, and COMPLETE, I would not believe a word they say and hold them accountable to me. They will change if it affects their bottom line. How does that happen? When people stop buying the products of the sponsors because the people are no longer watching their shows, their profits diminished and they are all about profits. I will not call for a boycott and never will do anything like that; I feel it is like term limitations a cop out.

Term limitation is the vote. If we need term limitations does that not tell you we have a problem? We can not depend on their being voted out so we have to limit them. If a politician knows they are out next term, what will keep them in line? What will keep them from turning their last term into a total self-rewarding term where you do not count at all? When term limitation is based on the vote they never know so they have to at least appear to be on their toes all the time. Come on doesn't this make sense to you so far?

I am not thrilled with any talk show hosts either, conservative or liberal. They are as bad as the rest of the media. They either think we are too stupid or can not think for ourselves. They even say it! They say, "Here is what you should think."

I have not once said what you should think. If anything I have always said, "Go to God and find out from Him, never man."

There are comentators who are just entertainers trying to goad as many as possible just to get more to listen. If they are rude enough or down right mean enough, maybe more will talk about them. Then there are those who even admit they are entertainers and I have heard people call in and praise them for being so.

It is not just sad it is sick, it is a sin that so many have gotten so lost in other’s lives they no longer have one of their own or can no longer think without someone telling them what they should think.

I know this - if our founding fathers were here today they would look for another country to found. If you think I am wrong, that everything is ok, then send me a donation because if you think that way you must have plenty to donate to our ministry as well as others, right?

You believe or you do not, Revelation does say 6 of the 7 churches are false not His. That was not for during tribulation, but before it starts. So maybe we are in the last days and most are not Christians; they just say it. The rest of you who do believe and who are Christians you have had to notice by now things are changing and not for us but against us. How can that be if we are 84%?

If you want to really enjoy life you have to be responsible to yourself, to God, to your family, and to the country. It does not cost money to enjoy life, that is an idea promoted by those who want your money in their pockets instead of your own. The cost one-month of cable or one visit for a family of 4 to a movie, let alone a ball game, would be enough for a picnic every weekend for six months. At that picnic you can play games that cost little if anything to play.

The list goes on and on and on and all for less than a movie for 4 and some drinks and snacks.

If you do not believe that you dictate what is made in Hollywood look at what happened after Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ"? In less than 4 weeks there 3 television movies for Easter, but also all of Hollywood looking to see what they could make to bring in a piece of that 300 million. Yes, some, a small crowd, are agenda based, but overall the media, Hollywood, etc are bottom line oriented and will switch gears to make money faster than you can say Hollywood. Prostitution is alive in the USA. More politicians will say what it takes to be elected and Hollywood and the media will sell or buy what ever it takes to make a buck.

Do not get me wrong I believe a worker is worth his hire. I just question it when a person gets more for a paycheck than the average film cost in the 80's or a player gets more for one season than the entire winning team of the 1970 world series.

I can not fault them. If they can get it, then why not? But we are the ones saying it is ok. If you are happy with $40 game tickets where it costs $200 to take a family of four to a game and have a drink and hotdog then great. Or paying $8 or more for a ticket to a movie that either stunk or at best was a poor copy of something else you have seen then great.

The point of the Old Testament was the one. God wanted the ONE He could find to work through, from the men of God to the prophets.

The New Testament is the one as well, but the one is you. The one on one we can have with God was made possible by the connection fee paid by Jesus at the cross (John 4:23-24, 14:26. I John 2:20-27 and I John 4:1-3).

You are the one now, not just in grace with God, but in this awesome country and time we live in. Yes it is awesome and it is not too far-gone, as long as we start right now.

Start now by spending the next weekend with family and friends outdoors or in playing cards, board games or socializing. Start by researching who and what to vote for in the next and all elections from this time forward. Realize you do make a difference and without your vote it can make the difference in more than just your paycheck or taxes. There is safety - protection from terrorism, security when you retire that you will not support social security your entire life to find it gone when you need it, abortion, gay marriages, to name a few of the more popular issues.

Each person that reads this (or some other source), changes, tells others about it, prints it out, and gives it to others to learn from will make a difference.

It all has to start with the one, YOU.

You can be a counter virus to the one that is infecting America.


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