Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

Saying It Like It Is!

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

I have been blessed to write over 450 Bible studies. The majority of which is mainly scripture driven and scriptural based. Rarely, have I written studies that are less scripture and more "me". When I say, "me", I am referring to what I have learned and what I know. Usually, the scriptures are placed as bare bone facts, so the reader can understand on their own without my explaining it all. However, this study is different in that I am going to write more of what I see and know in scripture and about God.

Before reading this study, we suggest that you read the following studies (in the order listed):

  1. "Weapons of War"
  2. "Overcoming Weapons of War"
  3. "Spoils of War"
  4. "All Life Starts Here"

If you take your time in reading the four studies above, making sure you are not in offense and have an open mind, you will be blessed. No matter what you believe, you must believe that Satan is our enemy. He has been here a long time and knows us better than we know ourselves. As we have covered in the prerequisite studies, for the most part, our thoughts are not our own. However, what Satan causes us to think is our own.

Think about this: If you do not know that someone else can plant thoughts in your mind, then you assume that all of your thoughts are yours. What better weapon can anyone have over us than this? However, once you know who and how they are doing this, then you can start reclaiming your mind and your thoughts.

2 Corinthians 10 (KJV)

5. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

For sake of argument let us agree, that Satan can and does plant thoughts in us. First, he can use others against us this way; but more importantly, he can use us against others and ourselves. Can you see how he can manipulate us and make us think what he wants us to think and ultimately believe? Satan gets us to not only think and believe, but also eventually act upon.

A lie told by Satan to each of us - yes, we all have our own lie that he has planted in us.

Of course, there are the overall lies he tells to us all. Then he finds the one area he can do the most damage and keep us under his thumb; and tells us this lie to keep us under control. We must uncover this lie and get it out.


I hope that you are starting to see what he does and how he does it.

Satan's controlling lie for me was about the next life. He got me to believe that the next life, as real as it is to me, is not desirable. There, I would be bored, as it was not all it was hyped up to be for me. By doing this, it caused me to loose hope. When I say, "hope" it does not mean, as the world knows it; but with God and in the Bible hope is expectancy. The world uses hope as a wish. If we know God and say we hope in His promises, it does not mean we wish they came true, but that we expect them to come true.

In 1985, I had a reaction to a drug called Halcion, which given to me as a sleep aid after back surgeries. My trouble sleeping was caused by an oversized brace I wore to protect my back; it stuck out like a roll cage. Halcion is now known to be fatal to some, and I was one of the few for which it was fatal. Think that sounds strange, read further. Somehow I realized something was wrong an hour after taking one and called for help. To this day, I still do not recall calling anyone; but if I had not, I would not be here today. By the time they got to me, they thought I was dead; and did not rush me to the hospital. Instead, they were ready to send me to the morgue. Then someone noticed some sign of life, they revived me, pumped my stomach. I subsequently woke up 26 hours later in ICU with IV's in my body and a chalky taste, which was from the pumping of my stomach.

Initially, I was told that I had tried to comit suicide. If that were true, I would never have called for help. That was strange in that I have not heard of anyone comitting suicide calling for help after they have done whatever it is to end their life. I agree there are some methods by which you could not call for help. However, some of the most used methods you still have time (slitting your wrists, using drugs, etc.). So why and how did I call? I can only think that it was because I wanted to live and not die. I was not trying to take my life but just trying to get a good night's sleep.

A few years later, the doctor who prescribed Halcion for me stated that he tried it for sleep; and it was 100 times more powerful than he ever had thought. The hospital, for reasons known only to them (maybe in fear of a lawsuit), changed my records. They subsequently showed that I had been treated correctly from the house to the hospital; and that I never died. In my defense, my sister and her friend, who had walked in as the hospital was "treating" me, said the report was a lie. I believe them, because I know what I experienced, and it can only happen when you are dead. No, I did not see my body or others here on earth. However, I did see the next life…and what I felt that was what was amazing. What I felt was love and peace in a way, which I thought was impossible here until recently.

You see our flesh limits us. In the next life, we experience more than the five senses allow us here on Earth. What was the next life like? There is a new earth and a new heaven and we will be there. It is even described in Revelation. The New Jerusalem is 1500 miles by 1500 miles and 1500 miles high. If you compare the new to the old Jerusalem, you get an idea of the size difference. The New Earth is increased in a proportionate percentage equal to the New Jerusalem over the old. This makes the New Earth about 10 times larger than our sun, which is about one million times the size of our present earth. Ergo, the New Earth would be ten million times larger than this earth. If you think about it, it would have to be.

If you gave every person alive today (about six billion) three square feet, all would fit in the state of Georgia in the USA. In addition, all of the world's population from beginning to now is less than 10 billion. So why is the New Earth so large? Think about this - How long would it take you to walk the entire earth we are on now, if you could walk every square foot? The answer is it would take approximately 1700 years to walk and explore it all. Now, multiply that by 10 million; it will take all eternity to see the new earth.

What about the animals? I believe every animal that has or will live will be on the New Earth; why should they not. The Bible refers to the lion and the sheep lying next to each other. Why create all new when God has all that has been. My wife, who loves dogs, realized this and that she could see all of her pets. Then, I realized that just one breed would, wall-to- wall, would fit in one state of the USA, albeit a small state. Hence, you have a New Earth large enough to take all eternity to enjoy and explore with every animal from the dinosaurs to our pets on it. On it is the New Heaven in the form of the New Jerusalem with God always available to us and for us…not to mention Jesus, Abraham, Noah, Mosses the apostles, loved ones and friends.

Yet again, my problem was that Satan was getting me to believe in time this would be boring and really it would be better I never existed. If he ever succeeded and got me to take my own life, there is a good chance that I would be in Hell for eternity. He even got me to believe I would prefer it, because I deserved it for all I had done wrong in my life. If he had won, I would not be able to enjoy this life and the one to come. He would have won a battle over God; and any good I could do here would end.

However, God reminded me of the love and peace I experienced that night when I left this life for a short time. It is not what is waiting for us in the next life that matters; not the new earth or the animals or even loved ones. What does matter is the love, joy, peace, etc. that we will have. Unlike here, it felt like a cozy blanket warming me up on a cold night, along with a cup of hot cocoa, coffee, or tea. It is impossible to describe because there is nothing comparable here. The love and peace I experienced was not just of the soul (mind, will and emotions), but also of every fiber of my being and a million times more potent. It was intoxicating as well as revealing and it was awesome.

What in your life, did you really enjoy the most?

  1. The love from a spouse, children, family, etc?
  2. A moment that seemed like it was awesome like watching a sunset or sunrise that was moving; or, driving through an area as fall came and the colors on the trees changed.
  3. A football game or something you watched.
  4. An event you were involved in such as a sport or swiming or maybe just a simple walk.
  5. When your first child was born?
  6. A movie or some television show?
  7. Time with the Lord in prayer or listening to Him?

There are many more examples I can give. Of the seven above, you should have replied "no" to two of them for sure. At best, only five of them should have received your "yes". The two that got the "no" should stick out like a sore thumb. If you do not realize which two got the 'no" they are, you need to spend more time with loved ones. If you were able to say, "yes" to more than three of the above, then you know what I am talking about when I say, "For a moment it seemed like nothing in the world was wrong and everything was awesome". For that moment, you could feel what I am talking about in the next life.

Yes, we can experience it here when we learn how to overcome the thoughts Satan wants us to have and we have a one-on-one relationship with God. Think about the lies we have heard and who do they serve best.

We cannot hear from God.

Whom does that serve more God or Satan? Why could God not talk to us but hear from us and answer our prayers.

Some are predestined to greatness and others to dishonor.

Whom does that serve best? In regards to predestination, I believe God has made some of us of honor some not as big an honor and could even be considered dishonor.

Most of the divisions among those on the earth for the past two thousand years that believe in God have been over petty things. Most if not all agree Jesus died for us so we could live. If it is not over how we are saved, does it really matter if we all believe we are and by the same means.

Matthew 12 (KJV)

25. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

It is time we unite in the name of Jesus and overcome Satan. I know not all will read what I am writing and accept it. Some will be so consumed by the lies of Satan; they will not even be able to read this. Those who do and do not accept it, will not because of the lie. However, the rest of us can accept; and the more who do, then the more who can. I am not asking you to follow me or this ministry or anyone other man/woman, but follow God.

God Bless You as you hear His words and follow His leading.


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2-25-04 H.O.M.E.