Made Whole

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

I am coming to the conclusion that most if not all do not really understand what "whole" means.

Here are a few examples to help you understand.

I mowed my yard today, and it rained when I came out to finish cleaning up. I use a blower to blow all the grass into one pile to sweep up and put in the trash can. If in the process I blew the mud and water on a passing car; they just had their car cleaned the day before and I got a few spots dirty. What would my responsibility be to make them whole again?

  1. Pay to have their car cleaned again?
  2. Wipe it off with a rag?
  3. Ignore them, I mean they did not stop, they never would have known anyway?

So which of the 3 is the correct way? Which would you want someone to do for you?Of course it is number 1. Why number 1 over number 2?

The idea is we should always be willing to make a person just as they were or better before we messed it up for them. They did just have the car washed after all. The point is if you want to be made whole by God in any or all areas of your life, you best be sure you have not left anyone not whole out there by your actions.

What do I mean by God making us whole?

Think about what God created before sin entered. Then think about the Lord's prayer Matthew 6. In the Lord's prayer Jesus tells us to ask for His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Is there any lack, debt, sickness, illness, injury, relationship problems in heaven? No, of course not, and originally it was that way here as well before sin.

So to be whole, as God intended us to be, we would not have:

  1. Health problems
  2. Addictions
  3. Debt
  4. Lack
  5. Relationship problems
  6. Sadness
  7. Depression

Just imagine to be made whole by God here we would have:

  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Peace
  4. Patience
  5. Kindness
  6. Goodness
  7. Gentleness
  8. Faithfulness
  9. Self Control

To have all 9 of the fruit of the Spirit of God evident in our life would mean we are whole because - who can have even half of the fruit, if they have any of the 7 previous areas that we should not have?

To start we need to look at those around us and seek out any person or area we have left anything but whole. We should pray about how to make amends in relationships and how to pay back any outstanding debts.


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