Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

What is a Revelation?

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

This study is more testimony than study. For a while I have wanted to write about revelation, not the book, but revelations we receive from God.

As I started my walk with God in 1973 I had a revelation; it was a call on my life. It was strange; I was in an independent Baptist church with a girl (for the wrong reason). When out of no where I felt I had to receive Jesus as my Lord. I professed Him and then was baptized, totally dunked in a tank of water.

I knew something was different, and I knew I had a void in my life starting to fill with what I needed without even realizing I needed it.

I spent the next few years studying in the Methodist Church. I even got to the point where the politics drove me away. I had witnessed more politics than the love of God. It was more of a power struggle, who ever gave the most money expected the most influence.

Over the next decade I prayed and stayed in prayer. In 1989 our postman invited us to church. The church he attended had a sunrise service for Easter. I accepted and what was the strangest part is I am a late sleeper, and now I had comitted to attend a service at 5 AM.

I got my family up at 4:30 AM two, 9 year old boys and one, 2 year old girl. We enjoyed it so much and realized that we needed this, so we started going every Sunday. I got so involved that I was put in charge of Jewish Evangelism for the state of Texas for the Lutherans. My wife found out what I had gotten 16 years earlier. She needed the Lord and never realized it. After 2 years we started visiting other churches. I held Bible studies at my house with neighbors and mostly members of the Lutheran church we attended.

But something was still wrong. After 3 years the Lord told me to Pastor. I argued with Him for a year. I went from about 36 members (not all showing up each week) in our Bible study class to about 7.

The Lutherans did not like where I was going and finding in the word, and the neighbors had problems with not being able to control the ministry.

So after a year of arguing with the Lord I accepted the Lord's calling, at a Kenneth Copeland Ministries conference in Fort Worth, Texas. At the same hour another couple were told by the Lord to tithe to me and they have ever since then.

We started H.O.M.E. (His (Jesus) Outreach Ministry and Evangelism). At first we thought it was for the homeless, only to find out that it was for all, and mostly those on the net and in nursing homes.

I spent the next two years listening to God and writing about 28 books. Only two are on the net. I also translated the New Testament, at which time I realized a problem. It was not the churches, it was the members & the leadership all going out to evangelize the milk but not in depth in growth through the meat of the Word.

So as I learned about Christ being a Greek word for the anointing, I had a revelation of it. It went off in me like a bomb blowing up inside. I knew it now and it could not be taken from me, where, before, I knew it but it meant very little and could have been stolen at any time. How? By letting the other side convince me it meant nothing.

Next was a revelation on the blood, then on peace, and in the mean time I was writing and teaching studies leading up to each of these revelations.

I got a major revelation on light and how the light is here but we are covered by a dark veil due to our lack of knowledge and lack of revelation in the light.

Then came the one on the word itself. Just what a revelation that one became was the most awesome.

They were each given to me as I was able to handle them and spend the time to really get them.

A revelation comes to those who are hungry and thirsty after the word of God.

You start with your basic salvation, then the blood, the anointing, the light, the word and each builds on the other until they are so secure and deep in you that they are yours and you know it. Each requires time to digest, grow in, and be learned from.

So you may have periods that seem like you are not growing and have hit the end or gone as high as you can go. Do not accept that. Keep seeking, realizing the wisest people are those who know that even at the highest you can get here, it is not high enough, that there is always tons more to learn and get revelations of.

So, how do you grow and get your revelation?

Start with the studies we have; read the word and seek God's guidance and let Him help you. Most of all, seek Him and hear from Him; shut up and listen, and stick it out with each study until it is yours and you know it is. Yes, you can go on; and if necessary, come back to one over and over until you have it deep down inside your spirit. Because it is all yours and mine to have. When we finally get it, it will help us in all our ways.

God Bless You as you hear His words and follow His leading.


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