Before you read this study understand that we do not teach, we share and then ask all who read the following take it to God and verify it with Him. We believe a lot of the world is misled by the church of the world and religion vs the one true church. And to know the truth can only come from knowing, not just knowing of God, John 14:26, I John 2:27, Rev 3:19-22.
Many are called but few are chosen because many are misled by false teachers Matthew 7:13-15 so we help all who wants to know the truth how to find and know the truth of and by God and not of and by man.

We Must Decrease

Pastor J. R. Wilhite, author   Close Window

In John 3:30 we are told that John had to decrease for Jesus to increase. John was bringing repentance to the people. He was sent to prepare the way for Jesus; he was not the way. So for Jesus to increase, John had to decrease. John brought no forgiveness but the idea of being baptized to show their repentance or desire to repent of their sin, while Jesus brought forgiveness.

This principle is also relevant for us today in that we must decrease so Jesus can increase. As long as we operate on our own, doing things ourselves, operating in the world and the flesh then we are reducing how much Jesus can do. We must sacrifice the flesh and decrease so He will increase.

Remember, we are the temples of God. In the Old Testament they tied a rope around the priest who entered the Holy of Holies (the center most part of the temple). They also placed bells on the robes so when the bells stopped sounding those on the outside would know to pull the one on the inside out. Usually this meant he was dead. The cause was two fold. The first, of course, was sin. The priest had to make a sin offering to cover his sins before entering. The other was the heart. If the Priest was not right with God inwardly, it was just as fatal as being outwardly unclean. If either aspect was off just a little, it was fatal. Now that we are the temples we need to make sure we are not off any, and we can not do this while operating in this world system.

I used to watch all kinds of movies and TV, but now I watch shows like Rawhide, Rifleman, Gunsmoke for the most part. In almost every show of those old westerns they would refer to the Bible, and there was always a moral point to the show of good over evil. Yes, they are westerns, but after 3 months of this I can not watch the TV of today without realizing in my spirit that it is wrong. I had allowed TV, movies, music, and other forms of media to affect me to the point I was deluded. These things delude you a little at a time, not enough to notice but enough in time that they can change you. It is like a slow poison working to kill us.

We have to control what we allow in, our flesh can lead us to perversion, hate, violence, envy, jealousy, strife, offense indecency, selfishness, divisions, anger (ill temper), impurity and much more. When we view shows, the news, or movies that make us hate, like in a movie about how this black man killed and raped, we can start believing all blacks are this way after enough of these. As of late, in Kosovo, we have seen terrible things that tend to make us think certain groups are evil. It is not a group or nationality but individuals who are evil.

If you raise a child with wholesome entertainment, good education (no mixing in ideologies), and the truth about God with plenty of love, respect, and time, this child will be in the most part a true child of God, operating in all of the fruit of the spirit. He/she would be shocked to see one act of violence.

Now take the average child that sees more than 70,000 acts of violence just in cartoons before they are 18 and let them develop as the world dictates. Now you have more children killing other children and their parents.

When we allow the flesh to control we allow Satan to control, but when we allow the Spirit to control we allow God to direct us.

Did you see the difference? The world controls and dictates, while God offers advice and direction.

As you feed the flesh things of the flesh it controls and wins over the spirit while at this same time the spirit is stifled and withers. If you watch only wholesome shows, read the word daily, and spend time feeding the spirit then it grows and is in charge and keeps the flesh in check.

You are born blank, just flesh with a spirit and a soul. The soul (mind, will, and emotions) is where the battle takes place. The soul follows what it is trained to follow. A person who is never in the word, always around hate and violence (in real life or via multimedia) has a soul that is trained to allow the flesh to control.

In Matthew 22:14 it states "For many are called, but few are chosen." The many is all of us, the few are those who can hear over the hate, violence, and things of this world.

We are born.

We grow in the flesh or the spirit

In the flesh we follow the ways of the world, die, and go to Hell.

In the Spirit, we grow and move on to eternal life with God.

We need to pull the weeds from our soul so the good grass can grow; replace the things of the world, with the things of God (word).

As we decrease, we are giving up, hate, violence, sadness, pain, suffering, perversion, jealousy, lack, sickness, abuse or addiction, etc. As He increases in us we gain, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

Think about times you lost your temper, said something you regretted, hurt someone, or spent the day unhappy, even mad. Like someone cutting you off on the road, they may not have seen you, had a sick child rushing to the hospital, or just were not thinking. Is it worth losing your peace and having a bad day due to this?

Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

We need to look towards Jesus and His ways and not the world. What good is it to have money here and die and go to Hell, or to have lots of things but never know true love?

As we decrease, He increases. Worry decreases, and so do ulcers and other problems so we can live a longer, healthier, and happier life. There are all kinds of problems that can be overcome: lust, debt, lack, sickness, sadness, depression, addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography. All can be left behind. It is not easy at first, it requires a real comitment from you and no matter how the world system tries to discourage you, just keep looking at the solution and not the problem. After a while you will find yourself looking in the Word for the answer, then remembering what the Word said, and then not even being bothered by the problem at all.

NOW, give your life in all areas to Jesus. Any you find that do not line up with what the Word says or Jesus would do, get into prayer, and turn it over to the Lord. Let go, decrease and be filled with what the Lord has to offer. You will eventually overflow and be a source from which others may draw.


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