Pastor Sherrye's Bio
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Hearing From God

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I was raised in the Lutheran Denomination until I was 14. At that point due to the fact that where I lived (Guam) there were no Lutheran Churches I did not attend services for a few years. After returning to the United States Proper, I went to different churches with my friends. These included Baptist and Methodist. Even though I lived only 3 blocks from a small Lutheran Church, I never set foot inside the doors because I did not know anyone there and I was never invited.

When I was 27 years old I started going to a Lutheran church (Lamb of God) with my fiancé in the Houston, Texas area. I had met the pastor when he married my brother, so I had a little connection to it. My fiancé chose not to invite me to the Pentecostal church he was attending because it had services in Spanish and I am not fluent in anything but English. I became a member of Lamb of God Lutheran Church, got married there, and attended for over 10 years before Jesse and I were called to help start H.O.M.E. I will admit that I was looking for another congregation. I had become disillusioned with denominational establishments in general and LOG had discontinued the services that my work schedule would allow me to attend.

So LOG was not accommodating me and God told me to start tithing to my Bible Study Teacher, Jerry Wilhite. I was learning more in the weekly studies in his living room than I had absorbed in the decade prior sitting in the pews of a large friendly congregation. This is where I was being fed the Word of God even though Jerry was averse to taking up the title of Pastor. The wonderful thing is that at the same time God was telling me to tithe to Jerry, Jerry was accepting his role as Pastor as well as teacher. He was hundreds of miles away at a Believers Convention when he felt the call more strongly than ever. He was all excited about his decision and called me to tell me what he was planning. That was when I got to tell him what God had instructed me to do. It was definitely a reinforcing sign that Jerry was making the right decision.

My role has changed over the years with H.O.M.E. I started out as simply a praise leader. I lead the group in songs of praise & worship that my talented husband played on his keyboard or guitar and I felt like I had found my niche. After a few years of studying and growing in the Word I was ordained as the Associate Pastor of H.O.M.E. Later my title dropped the "Associate" to be just "Pastor", with Jerry as the "Senior Pastor".

We have spent many Sunday mornings as well as some evenings and Christmas Mornings blessing and being blessed by the residents of local nursing homes. We would haul in some of Jesse’s concert hall worthy musical equipment and really give them a real "church" service with praise and worship music they could sing along to, or just listen to. They got some really good teaching and preaching, too…and we never passed a plate. Jerry told me about some people who tried to pay him, but that is not what we were there for. Those old folks have all paid their dues…we do not need to take their money. It was blessing enough to know that we were providing something they did not get anywhere else…spirit filled teaching, prayer, and edification with the Word and Praise music.

My main role at is to edit the MASSES of pages of text that Pastor Jerry creates as well as any other projects he assigns me to take a little pressure off of him personally. I have written a few Bible Studies, but only a fraction of a percent of what Jerry has written.

Outside of H.O.M.E., I worked for "Ma Bell" for 30 years. I wore a few different hats there including a hard hat that was required when I was climbing poles and ladders to fix the cables and splices that needed it. I was in the repair department for 23 years and finished my career working in the Technical Support Department as a manager and maintainer of the knowledge base. I really liked what I was doing, but when they offered me an incentive to retire in October of 2003, I took immediate advantage of it and have not looked back. I did not even KNOW that I was stressed out on the job until the stress was gone. That is something I will never miss. I definitely prefer the peace of the Lord and opportunity to spend more time with Him and doing things for His Kingdom instead of the world.

I would like to introduce Zed who is in Ethiopia (he is a pastor of our ministry) and has been associated with H.O.M.E. for about 10 years. Please click here to read about him and read a recent email communication. Zed's Email

One last question - has this ministry blessed you? If so, you can help us bless others with a donation of $1, $5 or more. Every little bit helps.

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