We Need Each Other

Wanita James, Author

We need one another, this is true.
A helping hand; we must live as Christ did.
When one benefits we all should, too.
We cannot prosper if no one helps us through.
How can we succeed on just one person's seed?
God wants us to multiply and use our gifts for the holy.
How can we move up if no one is planting?
Faith with out works, you receive nothing.
God has blessed us all with great things.
If we don't use them to help our in Christ family, but we store in the storehouse,
How can we say we truly believe and we truly have faith and love God?
If we don't love or help the ones God put here to love and guide us,
If we do not obey, what better are we than the ones in the world?
They are the ones who don't know any better,
The ones who store their money for rainy days,
The ones who have no faith that Jesus is there to help always.
Whether rain clouds or sunshine,
We must pray, let Him guide us to where He wants us to plant His seeds.
Let's be fruitful and spread our joy that God has given us.
The only way to fruitfulness is to plant a seed on good soil.
If you are involved in something that you think is ungodly or not true,
Maybe you should leave and let God guide you.
But if you keep listening to God speaking to you,
Maybe you'll know where to sow seed and help your brother
So he can continue helping you by prospering another.

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