Your Salvation

Salvation is Hearing an inner witness that you need Jesus, this inner witness is the Holy Spirit calling unto you. Allowing Jesus to be your salvation, but most importantly Allowing Jesus to be Lord of your life, Obediance to the Lord is more important than sacrafice. Living the life of Christ.

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SalvationSalvation Part I

SalvationSalvation Part II

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Q&AQuestions and Answers



So what is the Good News:

  1. It is eternal life.
  2. It is having a connection to God Himself.
  3. It is being free of poverty.
  4. It is Healing.
  5. It is all the fruit of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfullness ,and Self Control)

  1. Question: What is Salvation?
  2. Answer: Salvation is being saved from Death, Hell and the Grave.

  3. Question: Why do I need to be Saved?
  4. Answer: You need to be saved from eternal damnation, eternity in torment.

  5. Question: Is there anything else I can be saved from ?
  6. Answer: Yes, you are saved from whatever is plaguing or burdening you. (IS 10:27 (KJV)).

  7. Question: Who can be Saved?
  8. Answer: Salvation is for all mankind.

  9. Question: Can Demons or Satan be saved?
  10. Answer: No, they made their choice already, a long time ago. Salvation was meant for mankind only.

  11. Question: Can I be saved even though I have done so much wrong in my life?
  12. Answer: Yes, there is only one thing that will keep you from salvation, and that is rejecting your salvation.

  13. Question: How can I be saved considering how much wrong I have done?
  14. Answer: Salvation is not based on how much good or wrong you have done, it is based on what Jesus did for you.

  15. Question: When should I be Saved?
  16. Answer: Now, waiting can mean eternity in Hell.

  17. Question: What can I do to earn my salvation?
  18. Answer: Nothing, it is a free gift.

  19. Question: Why did God create Hell for man?
  20. Answer: Hell was not created for man, it was created for Satan and demons.

  21. Question: Why does God let anyone go to Hell?
  22. Answer: God does not, we do. He saved us from it all 2,000 years ago, and all we have to do is believe He is Who He says He is and that we are saved by what Jesus did for us.

  23. Question: Why does God let bad things happen to us?
  24. Answer: God does not, we do, He did it all for us 2,000 years ago. He did it all, left us the tools to be blessed and (even when things go bad) to make it through them.

  25. Question: What is the difference between salvation and being born again?
  26. Answer: No difference, they are the same. Being born again, is being re-born in the Spirit of God (John 3:3-18).

  27. Question: What is Sin?
  28. Answer: Sin is anything that cuts us off from God.

  29. Question: Why should I want to live a sin free Life?
  30. Answer: Sin is mostly things that can hurt or kill us. Like a child we tell them not to stick their finger in a light socket, not because the light socket is bad, it is good, but not for our fingers.

  31. Question: How am I Saved or Born Again?
  32. Answer: Salvation is a progression in life, we start by realizing we need to repent of things we have done wrong (sin).

  33. Question: What is Repenting?
  34. Answer: To repent is to change. If you are on a road and at the end of it is a fire, and you change directions and avoid the fire then you are saved from the fire. Realizing we need to change and then repenting is the start.

  35. Question: I thought praying the sinners prayer saved me?
  36. Answer: That is not all there is to salvation. We have to continue to grow in our daily relationship with God. How can a baby survive its early years with out guidance from its parents? It can not, and neither can we. We need guidance daily to avoid the pitfalls in life and to continue to grow closer to God.

  37. Question: How do I know what I need?
  38. Answer: That is why you have a Bible and the Body of Christ, to help you until you hear from God on a regular basis.

  39. Question: What is needed?
  40. Answer: What is needed is a true desire to change from your old life of sin to living a new life that is more for God and less for sin.

  41. Question: What brings about the realization of a need to change?
  42. Answer: The Holy Spirit (God) will call you and point out the void in your life.

  43. Question: What happens then?
  44. Answer: If you heed the call, you will start changing once you have allowed Jesus into your life.

  45. Question: What do I have to give up or change?
  46. Answer: Mostly you lose death, Hell and the grave. The changes will help you in this, and they are not to make life harder but easier

  47. Question: What is the Body of Christ?
  48. Answer: That is all who are of Christ. Christ is a Greek word meaning the anointing. To anoint is to soak in and on and throughouty, and what we are being anointed in is the Spirit of God (Luke 4:18)

  49. Question: How long does our salvation take?
  50. Answer: It will take all of our life. You will continue to grow and change until we leave here to be with the Lord.

  51. Question: Do we become angels when we die?
  52. Answer: No, we are not of the angelic beings.

  53. Question: Why should I be Spirit filled and led?
  54. Answer: First the whole purpose of our salvation is our relationship with God. God is a Spirit, so being a Spirit, the only way to have a relationship is in the Spirit. Also, the only way to grow is being filled and led by the Spirit. Gals 5:13-26, Hosea 4:6, John 14:26, I John 2:20-27

  55. Question: Why do some people teach that the Spirit ended in the book of Acts, or in the days of the Apostles?
  56. Answer: Due to this type of teaching, they are teaching God died, or ended in Acts or the days of the Apostles. This type of teaching comes from those who are being used by Satan to bring confusion or division. Some are being used and do not realize it; others are doing it of their own free will. Read Mathew 7:15-20

  57. Question: What is the law?
  58. Answer: The law was given to point out where we sin and how much we need God to save us from death, Hell, and the grave. It also helps show that we can not do it on our own.

  59. Question: What is church?
  60. Answer: We are; as God reveals to us who His Son is as the Christ, we become the church. Matthew 16:16-18

  61. Question: If we are the church, why do we go to church?
  62. Answer: We take church with us and have church with others in the body.

  63. Question: Why do we need a Pastor?
  64. Answer: We all need someone here who is spiritually more mature than we are that will pray for us, guide us, uplift us, help us hear from God. Especially when we are caught up in our every day life. Having someone praying and watching out to be sure we remain on the right path is very important. A Pastor is someone who will listen to the Spirit of God and pray for us when we need it. They will help us by their words of encouragement, and growth in the Lord to make the mark, to finish the race.

  65. Question: Should we pray for each other?
  66. Answer: Yes, we should all pray for each other, but as a good percentage of us work we get caught up in the every day life and sometimes forget to pray or may pray later. Isn't it nice to know there is someone God can use for you day or night.

  67. Question: What is Discipleship Training?
  68. Answer: It is being trained up in the ways of God to help us make it through this life.

You need to realize God loves you more than you can ever imagine, and no matter what you have done He will forgive you. You are never too far gone, or have done to much wrong for God to forgive.

Here are a few examples of what to look for to see that you do need salvation.

  • Do you have a void in your life?
  • Does life seem like its not worth living?
  • Are you down, sad, or depressed more than not?
  • Not sure what life is about?
Well, the answer is: there are two choices, Satan offers none, and he can only deliver sadness, emptiness, loss, destruction, sin and death. He lies that he does not exist or that there is no such thing as the devil and God. He does this with, television, movies, or life itself. He does this to confuse us and keep us from our salvation. God on the other hand offers a choice - either follow Satan and death, or follow Him. God offers life both here and a new life to come after this body we are in fails and we leave it.

God's offer is real, and the reason you see so many stating they are a Christian and still in trouble or just not showing the love of God is because they only went part of the way; they did not follow through.

any will go down the wrong path thinking they are on the right path; this is because they are listening to everyone and everything except God.

..."I had not known sin but by the law, for I had not known lust except
the law had said, Thou shalt not covet" "The commandment, which was
ordained to life, I found to be unto death. Wherefore the law is holy,
and the commandment holy,and just and good.Was then that which is good
made death unto me? God forbid. BUT SIN, THAT IT MIGHT APPREAR
Romans 7:7,10-13
The law is the school master to bring the sinner to realize he is guilty.
"Wherefore the law was our schoomaster to bring us unto Christ.." 
GAL 3:24
Jesus said that, unless the strong man is bound the house, will not be
entered. Today the strongman is the multitude of excuses that sinners
have to justify  why they don't need Christ in their life. The law are
God's ten great cannons to thunder in the ears of the sinner of coming
The principle of grace to the humble and law to the proud is what Jesus
did where ever he went. 
Remember how the apostle Paul witnessed to Felix the governor? He spoke 
of righteousness, temperence, and judgement to come. Righteousness
according to the law, temperence according to conduct, and judgement
according to future punishment. Felix trembled!!!
Just say to them, "Have you ever lied? Then you're a liar! Ever stolen? you're
a thief! Hated? You're a murderer! Lusted? You're an adulterer! Blasphemed
the Holy name of God?! Blasphemer!" 
Once the sinners conscience is awakened from its slumber he
is then ready for the gospel to be presented. 
Then the Value, sacrifice, and cost of what God did in providing for the
sinner a means to be pardoned should then be presented. Christ died
for our sins according to the sciptures...1 Cor 15:1-5
"God commended his love towards us that while we were sinners Christ
died for us" Rom 5:8
"Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of...2
God calls all men everywhere to repent. "Testifying both to the Jews
and also the Greeks, repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord
Jesus Christ" Act 20:21
"That at that time ye were without Christ ,being aliens from the
commonwealth of Israel, and stranges from the covenants of promise,
having no hope, and withut God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye
who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he
is our peace..." Eph 2:12-14
This works; this is the biblical way to awaken men and women by bringing
understanding and sobriety via the law.
If you truly want to find peace, love, and hope, then read this page. Take your time; do not rush through it. Allow what you read to sink in and then grow by it.

This Page is dedicated to those who are not saved, or not sure, or just backsliding in their life with Jesus.

We recommend you go first through the study about salvation, then to the prayer section, and then to the praise section and finaly to the important links we have for you.

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