Wasted Thoughts Vs.
Vain Imaginations

Jerry Wilhite, author

I know you think we have covered this well enough, but what if I told you there is an entire area we did not? I am talking about wasted thoughts. What are wasted thoughts?

For instance you watch a show, and afterwards you talk about it for a while, that is fine. What may not and most likely is not fine is if you think of things from the show, the next day, the next week or longer. Now if you watch a movie and like it, and you talk about it then that is ok, it is only a wasted thought when you go over and over it .

Remember Satan has been here a lot longer than you, and he has learned how to control our thoughts in ways we never realize. Satan has the patience needed to bring us down, and he will if we do not control our flesh, soul, and spirit. It has to start with our thoughts; Satan will take a simple thought and before long have us going down a path to destruction. Satan will fill our mind with wasted thoughts, thoughts that serve no purpose at all other than keeping us from thinking about God. He is keeping us from the word of God in our thoughts. Simple, almost seemingly tame thoughts, but none the less thoughts that are destructive over time.

Understand we have only two ways we receive thoughts.

  • First are thoughts that are forced on us by Satan.
  • Second are those benevolent thoughts offered by God.
  • The thoughts forced on us do not always stand out as forced thoughts. For the most part we will even believe we thought the thought ourselves, that it is our own thought. That is also very, very dangerous when we think we thought the thought because then it is harder to overcome when we think it is our own. We are so self-centered at times not to even believe that anyone, including Satan, could force thoughts on us. But he does and he will as long as you let him get away with it.

    Think about it. Are you really that hateful to want any harm to come to anyone? Can you believe that thoughts that you might hurt someone else really are yours? No, they are not, and until you realize you have no original thoughts of your own you are in trouble of falling away. Think about it and be honest, admit it, most of your thoughts you know others have had before you.

    We have to start taking control of our thoughts, casting down all that do not benefit us or others. Take only those that will edify, build us and others up and are based in love to be our own thoughts.

    How does one make a thought theirs? When we keep a thought and let it stay or even dwell on it, then it no longer is Satan's or God's, but ours. No matter who started the thoughts, or who gave them to us, it is whether or not we keep them that counts.

    You start by casting down ALL imaginations that do not line up with the Word of God. The obviously more evil thoughts or just wrong thinking must go first. As time goes on you keep increasing what you are casting down until one day you have as close to total control over your thoughts as you can here in the flesh. Remember that we are judged by our words, and our words start as thoughts.


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